Investor Relations | Zoom Video Communications, Inc..Investor Relations | Zoominfo Technologies, Inc. | ZI Stock
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Zoominfo technologies investor relations -- Zoominfo technologies investor relations
Economic Moat. As an employee of Morningstar, Inc. Davidson is guided by Morningstar, Inc. For information regarding Conflicts of Interests, click here. Morningstar Quantitative ratings for equities denoted on this page by are generated using an algorithm that zoominfo technologies investor relations companies that are not under analyst coverage to peer companies that do receive analyst-driven ratings.
Companies with ratings are not formally covered by a Morningstar analyst, but are statistically matched to analyst-rated companies, allowing our models to zoominfo technologies investor relations a quantitative moat, fair value, and uncertainty rating. Click here for more on how to use these ratings. ZoomInfo Technologies Inc provides a go-to-market intelligence platform for sales удалил zoom app for cloud meetings считаю marketing teams. Its cloud-based go-to-market data and insights platform deliver comprehensive and high-quality intelligence and analytics to provide zoominfo technologies investor relations and marketing professionals with accurate information and insights on the organizations and professionals.
Nearly all of its revenue is derived from the United States. Summary Competitors. Valuation Jul 8, Currency in USD. Is it the right time to buy or sell? Find out with Morningstar Investor. Key Statistics - ZI More. Sector Technology. Industry Software - Application. Most Recent Earnings Mar 31, Fiscal Year End Dec 31, Stock Type Speculative Growth.
Employees 2, Value-focused and China-heavy funds fared best amid the global selloff. Jack Shannon. Sponsor Center.
Zoominfo technologies investor relations -
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